Lisson Studio
Cory Arcangel

Related to your interests: Cory Arcangel on bots, algorithms, machine learning and AI
For the 2023 edition of Art Basel Unlimited, Cory Arcangel presented Related to your interests (2020-2021), a collection of 855 bot-generated Youtube videos scripted out of repurposed content from ‘clickbait’ websites. The nonsensical and aesthetically dissonant narrative derives from text, images or articles assembled together and is read through an artificially generated voice. Each video composition is uploaded by the bot onto its Youtube channel – a process entirely devoid of the artist’s agency. For this moment and for the Studio page, we asked Arcangel 10 questions about his work with bots, algorithms, machine learning and AI. Credits: Edited by Jon Lowe, filmed by Håvar Goa.