Tatsuo Miyajima: I-Model
London, 27 September – 2 November 2013

Lisson Gallery presents its third solo exhibition of Japanese artist Tatsuo Miyajima, an immersive and interactive installation comprising three new bodies of work based on his ongoing use of numerical displays constructed from light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
The show’s title, I-Model, refers to Miyajima’s collaboration with an artificial life expert, Professor Takashi Ikegami of Tokyo University, which has resulted in a computer programme that generates number sequences responding to the rhythms and speeds of others in the system. Instead of a collection of randomised counting circuits, these networks or clusters of flashing digits come together to create intelligent, ‘living’ organisms, which Miyajima calls Corps Sans Organe after Antonin Artaud’s term for an ideal, virtual body that could function independently from the interconnectivity of its constituent parts.
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Opening Times:
Tuesday – Saturday: 11:00am – 6:00pm